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Further works

  1. O estado atual da física de altas energias. Cambuquira, Brazil, 1981.
  2. Modelos com supersimetria global ou local-uma introdução.
    E.A., IFUSP prep-297.
  3. Non linear sigma models with supergravity.
    E.A. and R.S. Jasinschi, IFUSP prep-318.
  4. Supergravidade como uma teoria supersimétrica das interações elementares.
    E.A., M.C.B. Abdalla and R.S. Jasinschi, School of Particles and Cosmology, RJ, Brazil, 1983.
  5. Discrete group invariant factorizable S-matrices.
    E.A., M.C.B. Abdalla and A. Lima-Santos, IFUSP prep
  6. Analytic stochastic regularization and gauge invariance.
    E.A., M.C.B. Abdalla, A. Lima-Santos and M. Gomes, IFUSP Prep.
  7. Introduction to String Theory.
    E.A., Escola Jorge Andre Swieca (Summer School), january 1987
  8. Dirac bracket quantization of chiral scalar two-dimensional QED-II.
    E.A., M.C.B. Abdalla and A. Zadra.
  9. $SL(2,R)$ current algebra in two-dimensional conformal quantum gravity.
    E.A., M.C.B. Abdalla and A. Zadra, ICTP prep IC/89/56.
  10. Superstrings.
    E.A., Revista da Universidade de São Paulo, 5(1990)
  11. String inspired effective Lagrangian and inflationary Universe.
    E. A., A.C.V.V. de Siqueira, IFUSP-prep. 1028, Jan. 1993.
  12. Two-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory.
    E.A., ICTP News, october 1992.
  13. Exact S-matrices and extended supersymmetry.
    E.A. and M.C.B. Abdalla, CERN-TH-7106/93.
  14. Field theory formulation of the Quantum Hall Effect.
    E.A., M.C.B. Abdalla, cond-mat 9406119
  15. Comment on Hidden symmetries of two dimensional string effective action.
  16. Massive two dimensional Quantum Chromodynamics
    E.A., M.C. Abdalla and K. D. Rothe hep-th/9511191
  17. Scale-invariant Perturbation of the Friedmann Universe
    E.A. and R. Mohayaee, astro-ph/9706181
  18. Evolution of Scale-invariant Inhomogeneities in Standard Cosmology
    E.A. and R. Mohayaee, astro-ph/9711162

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Elcio Abdalla 2002-08-09