Submition date and time: 15 Mar 2012 12:46:13 Nome: RENE NEGRON HUAMAN. E-mail: Endereço Postal Address: 05362-040 Do you hold a PhD title? No Institution: Instituto de Fisica - Universidade de Sao Paulo Research area: Integrability in the AdS/CFT Correspondence Comments: I am a student from Peru who is currently studying for a master degree at Sao Paulo University. I am working on string theory under the supervision of professor Victor Rivelles, for this reason I believe some topics of the Natal School on Gravity and String theory will be a key part on my formation as a researcher. I know I can ask for finantial support at my institution for the travel expenses, but I am not sure about the acommodation, so please let me know if I am not getting finantial support so I can ask my institution for that. Sincerely, Rene Negron